Biosecurity considerations for the importation of veterinary vaccines/diagnostics into Australia. (#14)
DAFF Biosecurity is responsible for ensuring Australia maintains its favourable animal health status by managing biosecurity risks through measures such as biosecurity controls. The global trade in biological products presents a continuing challenge considering the potential for contamination of these types of products with a variety of pathogens. Sourcing, processing and end use are critical elements in evaluating the risk of introduction of pathogens exotic to Australia as a result of the importation of biological products such as veterinary vaccines and diagnostics. Due to the direct pathway with the in vivo use of veterinary vaccines, the risk for the introduction and spread of pathogens is high. Veterinary vaccines are consequently, subjected to a rigorous assessment prior to the issue of an import permit. Vaccine components (master seeds, working seeds, reagents, nutrient media etc) are required to undergo testing and/or treatments to manage the risk of contamination with pathogens. To assist in this process DAFF Biosecurity has recently released a number of documents to complement and clarify existing policy on the importation of veterinary vaccines.