Indentification of a Novel Bunyavirus Using Next Generation Sequencing (#57)
In 2002, serum and ectoparasite samples originating from a disease event in Tasmanian Shy Albatross were sent to Australian Animal Health Laboratory for diagnostic investigation. Antibodies against viral infections of avian species, including avian influenza, Newcastle disease, infectious bursal disease and fowlpox, were not detected and none of these viruses were isolated from the birds. Subsequently a virus was isolated in Vero cells from pooled ectoparasite preparations from both affected and clinically normal birds. Electron microscopy examination revealed the virus isolate was morphologically similar to members of the Bunyaviridae. However there were no significant cross-reactions observed using antisera against known orthobuynaviruses and at the time this virus could not be further identified. Further studies were conducted in 2011 using next generation sequencing and identified the virus isolate as a novel phlebovirus. Of particular significance, the virus exhibited highest sequence identity with a recently characterised novel phlebovirus from China identified as the causal agent of Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (SFTS) in humans. However, it should be noted, that the ectoparasites from which the virus was isolated were collected from both affected and clinical normal birds and the pathogenic and zoonotic potential of this novel virus remains to be determined.